@article{oai:ryujo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000243, author = {鈴木, 裕子 and Suzuki, Yuko}, journal = {研究紀要, Nagoya Ryujo (St. Mary's) College annual report of studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {This paper first takes a look at the various ways in which imitation develops from the standpoint of philosophy, anthropology, psychology, as well as from the context of social life, and through existing theories and researches on imitation. Second it organizes theories on the topic of physical communication as well as discusses the possibility that imitation nurtures physical communication skills. As a result, it became clear that imitation not only has the function of indicating the mechanism of intellectual development, but also has the function of facilitating physical communication. The significance of revealing the meaning and function of imitation as body expression in childhood, empirically considering the role of imitation as physical communication, and researching environment and support that would help enrich physical communication has been confirmed., 13, KJ00004843564}, pages = {119--133}, title = {身体的コミュニケーションとしての模倣に関する論考}, volume = {29}, year = {2007}, yomi = {スズキ, ユウコ} }