@article{oai:ryujo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000261, author = {鈴木, 裕子 and Suzuki, Yuko}, journal = {研究紀要, Nagoya Ryujo (St. Mary's) College annual report of studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {The function of imitation in physical expression activity of preschoolers were categorized into four pattern based on the results of my previous studies. Pattern 1 : To look for a chance to start movement. Pattern 2 : To enjoy mimicking movements and interacting with others Pattern. 3 : To understand one's own movements and vision. Pattern 4 : To adopt movement and vision from others. This paper focuses on the pattern 2 and examines the function of interactive imitation through the analysis of real cases. Through this process it was discoverd that interactive imitation and the condition after imitation took on various forms and they could be broken down into the following five functions. 1 : Gives the joy of doing something together. 2 : Wider variety of movements are achieved through synchronization. 3 : Internest in ohters through the process of imitated. 4 : Self expression improves through the process of imitating others. 5 : Connecting with others through movement helps chang their world. I then examined each function by looking at several cases. From the research, I reached the conclusion that interactive imitation leads individuals to become aware of others and develop self expression through the act of mimicking. This implies that interactive communication is developed through the imitation of others. Imitation has the role of enriching physical communication. In future studies, I plan to examin what role imitation as physical communication plays in preschoolers' lives., 10, KJ00005170299}, pages = {115--123}, title = {幼児の身体表現活動において発現する双方向的な模倣の機能}, volume = {30}, year = {2008}, yomi = {スズキ, ユウコ} }